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Welcome to the jungle.

Hey! Thanks for following and/or reading the world's most chaotic blog! If you're here you are either A. On the same journey as me (married to a medical student OR a practicing medical student who is married - holla!) B. My friends, or C. My mom - hey mom, miss you.

This is White Coat Wife. The journey of a wife while her husband is in medical school. Here are a few things you should know about me.

- My name is Taylor.

- I love my husband.

- I'm Catholic.

- I am highly emotional. You will understand after reading some of these posts.

- I am highly dramatic. Again, you will understand.

- I have anxiety.

- I have been afraid of sleeping alone since an experience I had freshman year of college.

- I grew up with a dog, and since I got married and moved out and no longer have a dog, I have begged my husband for one every day since we moved in.

- This is going to sound cliche - but I honestly do have the best family and friends in the world.

- I'm Irish.

- I could sleep for 16 hours straight if given the opportunity.

- I am in an instantly better mood if things are clean.

- I have had many math tutors, but none of them helped. I still have to count on my fingers.

- I couldn't love my husband's family more.

- I'm gullible.

- My favorite saint is St. Maximilian Kolbe (if you don't know him, you'll learn a lot about him in my posts...but look him up anyway ;) )

- I'm an easy target.

- I'm imperfect.

I'll be sharing the in's and out's of how to survive being married to a med student - the good and the bad - and I'll be learning right along with you. I'll also be happy to answer any questions, and if anyone else has advice I would be happy to hear it!

- Taylor

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